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Our Vision


our vision for 2022

We have always been at the heart of Highworth, a building and community at the centre of the geographical, spiritual and pastoral heart, serving community life.

The reordering has enabled the restatement of the medieval vision of the building and its purpose, for worship, celebrations and parties, funerals, legal hearings, weddings, commercial activity and community events.


Serving the community takes many forms and seeks to do so for all age groups, we have a unique place and vision as the Parish Church and congregation of our town to support, care and join the lives of everybody in Highworth.


We do this by seeking to draw people into St Michael’s, and to go out into the town with the same aim of serving, through CAP, schools work, pastoral support and volunteering in all aspects of community life.  We have met that vision to serve our community since our 2016 five year plan as follows:


· Developed our pastoral support for the housebound and less mobile

· Appointed a schools worker

· Recruited 2 trainees for youth work from South Western Youth Ministries

· Maintained financial and volunteering support for CAP and schools work.


So much hurt and uncertainty lies hidden in lives into which Jesus longs to enter. Our vision to serve has always been with the good news, the gospel of Jesus, through our clergy, through our volunteering, through our community projects on our own and with the other town Churches.


This document shows our continuing vision to this end and our specific mission aims for 2022.


Geoff, Phil and Pam

Vicar and Church Wardens

View Our Vision 2022 Document

print Our Vision 2022 Document

How can I help?


To enable the ministry of St Michael’s next year we need your support through prayer, practical support and your financial commitment.


Standing Orders

Contact your bank to increase your giving.

Complete the attached form to set up new giving or

Set up a new order online if you use internet banking.


Gift Aid

Please complete the attached form and return it to the church office by 19th December 2021.


All financial pledges will remain anonymous.


If you would like to discuss your involvement further, and/or offer your voluntary services

please contact Geoff, Emily or the Church Office.



Dates for your diary


Review your giving and respond by 19th December 2021

Thanksgiving service on 9th January 2022

St Michael’s, a community at the heart of its community

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