Children & Youth
We are still running activities online
The children and youth work at St Michael’s is of vital importance to our health as a family. The work is split into these areas:
1) Sunday mornings. Online groups for children from age 4-13 meeting 9.30-10am on zoom.
Contact to join us
2) Youth Groups meet in person weekly during Term Time at St Michael's Church - not currently meeting in person due to the latest lockdown.
School years 7-9 meet on Tuesdays 6.30pm until 7:30pm
School years 10+ meet on Tuesdays 8.00pm until 9.00pm.
3) Saturday Mornings at St Michael's live on Facebook on the first and third Saturday of the month with craft and bible stories. Find us @youthstmikes.
4) Youth group game session. Bringing together the young people from the churches in Highworth and Blunsdon for fun during Term Time. Please email for an invite.
Safeguarding of both children and adults is of the utmost importance to St Michael's. You can read more information about our Safeguarding policy here